Diwali or Deepavali is celebrated on 3rd and 4th November 2021 in India

Also known as the Festival of lights, Diwali or Deepavali is celebrated across India and in many places across the globe. In the year 2021, the festival will be on November 3rd or November 4th. The split is based on the observance of the festival in different states across India. It usually falls between the second half of October to the first half of November every year.

Happy Diwali or Deepavali or Festival of light falls on November 3rd, November 4th, 2021

Diwali or Deepavali is celebrated as 5 days event in some parts of the country as below:

  1. Dhanteras – Businessmen celebrate this as the start of Financial Year and worship the goddess of wealth Lakshmi. Even the stock markets remain open for sometime due to this belief even though the day is declared a government holiday.
  2. Naraka Chaturdashi – delicious foods are prepared and families take oil baths.
  3. Diwali or Deepavali – It is the Amavasya day when all the crackers are burnt and the cities light up with joy.
  4. Kartika Padayami – Bali, the tyrant king came out of hell.
  5. Bhai Dhooj or duj – It is marked as a symbol of love between a brother and sister.

It's the day when all the families get together, light the whole environment with lamps called as diyas and burn different types of firecrackers. There is joy all around the city and children are very enthusiastic and happy while burning the crackers

Diwali or Deepavali is of utmost importance to the business families as they believe in welcoming the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi.

On the Dhanteras day, lots of business establishments offer lucrative and irresistible offers on shopping deals and gifts. People exchange sweets with each other as gifts. Many offices and business organizations and shops provide gifts & sweets to their employees and customers. All the places are lit up by lights to make sure there are no traces of darkness around on Diwali or Deepavali.

Coming up: Do’s & Don’ts of Diwali or Deepawali while burning crackers.


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